I've got a sneaking admiration for how the boat club members have managed to take a ridiculous idea so far, despite being officially and unofficially rejected at least four times. They still managed to hook $300k out of Council for their preposterous idea (Insert shameless plug for our givealittle page).
But that level of resource does give context to the tremendous work undertaken by a few individuals in the Friends of Mapua Waterfront Group. By now you'll have seen the expert submitters' evidence here. It's a powerful critique of the application, and we've been greatly helped by our KC Sally Gepp who has worked with the experts to hone their testimony.
The short version is this: the applicant has argued that the effects of the ramp would be 'less than minor' in terms of the RMA and therefore consentable. Our experts show that the applicant's advisers have failed to prove that contention or are just wrong in their area (birdlife, lizards, recreation at the park, contamination and traffic) . Some have gone on to say that in their view the effects are 'significant and adverse' in terms of the RMA.
They've punched a big hole in the credibility of the application. But I want to highlight some people who have pulled this together and made it happen: David Martin has chaired this group, and showed a lot of skill in getting a diverse group through a tremendous amount of work. Kate Mitchell has done a massive job in reading and organising the submissions ahead of Sally's review, coralling and cajoling people with great charm and patience - all in her spare time. Liz Ussher is an absolute powerhouse documenting the meetings, keeping all the many moving parts and people connected and coherent. I am seriously impressed with these people, and I'm so glad they have given so much of themselves to the cause. They are our secret weapon!
Now 40+ citizens are going to express their views about the effect of the boat ramp. While the experts' views do carry more weight than our views, nonetheless we've co-ordinated a number of submissions to ensure that we can cover all the aspects Sally thinks we need to. Even though we're lay people, our experience matters. As citizens, you don't need any expertise, just your view about what the ramp means for you and your enjoyment of Mapua.
So if you're speaking, speak from your heart. Im happy to help anyone with their submission, and we'll have a powerpoint deck available as well.
Go well, se you at the hearing.