Without letting anyone know, TDC accepted MCBRT's re-submission on August 14. Details are here.
They have removed the building entirely from the application and the sealed carpark on Kite Park. They have also reduced some of the civil works requirements, but they still plan to shift a reduced amount of contaminated soil.
Hearings will be in November and December. Apparently TDC staff will let objectors know. At some point.
A couple of observations:
they got a fair old telling off from the Mayor for not engaging with the community. I guess they weren't there for that part.
while some of the environmental hazard has gone with the building, it is still a HAIL site. Jenny Easton should be able to give us a read on what this all means.
Our collective response has had some effect, but I think it would be more effective if we had a coordinated effort. I've identified a few people from their submissions who I would like to bring into a group conversation sooner rather than later. I know some of you are not available, but can I suggest we meet next Saturday 7 September at 10 am, venue tba. get back to me in the comments section if that works or not.
Enjoy your weekend