The Full Story
About Mapua Waterfront Park
In 1999, what is now the Waterfront Park was New Zealand's most contaminated site. Though the amazing efforts of the Mapua Community, Tasman District Council and the Ministry for the Environment, this abused and degraded land was cleansed, recovered, and returned to the Community as a park for the use and enjoyment of Mapua's residents and visitors.
The promise of the park has not been delivered by TDC, because somewhere along the way, a group of big powerboat enthusiasts have had part of the waterfront reserved for the construction of a 50m long 14m wide ramp. In 2024 the Mapua Community Boat Ramp Trust applied for resource consent for the construction of the ramp.
Our objective is for that application to be withdrawn, the Trust disbanded, and for TDC to start work on delivering the vision for the Park as it was defined in 2018.

Honour the efforts of previous generations.
Be good kaitiaki of the Mapua Waterfront Park.
Families and friends gather at Mapua Waterfront Park to celebrate life in one of the loveliest public waterfronts in New Zealand.

to Our Group
This site is for people who share our objective of ensuring the waterfront park is preserved for people, not power boats.
If you join the group you will be counted as a supporter.